Tintoralba ends the harvest season with a very good quality and health of the Garnacha Tintorera grape variety

Tintoralba finished the 2023 harvest season on the weekend of 7 October. In a harvest that lasted 20 days over four weeks in our production area in Higueruela (located at an average altitude of 1000 metres above sea level), the Garnacha Tintorera grapes have arrived at the winery in excellent condition and in excellent health, which suggests that the wines of this vintage will be of very good quality.

In this context, it is worth highlighting the fact that, in a season marked by drought and high temperatures throughout the year and especially in summer, the weather has respected this harvest season and we have not had to lament episodes of hail or torrential rains that have affected the state of the grapes. This has been essential for the Garnacha Tintorera to remain in good condition in a harvest that has been a little shorter in duration than in previous years.

Juan Manuel de la Matacommercial director of TintoralbaThe grape harvest went smoothly and the quality of the grapes on arrival at the winery was very good, which means that the wines bottled in this vintage will be of exquisite quality. Juan Manuel de la Mata stresses that, after the successful launch of the new wines in 2022, “the good health of the garancha tintorera grape in this vintage will bring us great joy with the new wines in the Alquería range, which are already being enjoyed at Spain and in more than 15 different countries.

In terms of total grape load, this year we harvested around 30-35% less grapes than in the previous year, reaching 8.5 million kilograms of grapes. In the end, it has been possible to have a smaller load of grapes, but with a higher alcohol content. It is also true that last year was a year of record production, so this year’s figure is also in line with that achieved in previous years 2021 and 2022.